eCommerce General Settings

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On the Elegant Bots platform, eCommerce sections have separate settings where you can customize most of the things related to the eCommerce.

Basically, we divided this eCommerce settings into two four divisions as of now. They are:

  1. General,
  2. Payments,
  3. Shipping,
  4. Checkout

In this article, we will take a look into the eCommerce General settings in the eCommerce section. 

This is what the eCommerce General settings in the eCommerce section looks like.


Web shop product view – Control the way products are displayed on your web shop.

Open hours – The time intervals that the bot can allow the customers to place orders.

Search Products – Allow customers to send messages to find products.

Facebook Pixel code – Track conversion with FB pixel and measure the results of your ads. The following events are tracked ADD_TO_CART, INITIATE_CHECKOUT, PURCHASE, VIEW_CONTENT

Abandoned cart message – The amount of time to wait before to send an abandoned cart message after the user leaves your bot with an item in cart.

Buttons in Products – This setting controls how buttons are shown for products inside Messenger.

Image size of Products – 
This setting controls the size of the image of products inside Messenger.

Allow to rate orders – Allow customers to rate an order and write a review if they are not satisfied with the order. Only bot admins can see the rate and reviews

Allow to change rate –Allow customers to change the rate for an order.

Send notification when change cart status – The customer will receive notifications whenever you change the order status. You can’t disable notification for order cancelation and for order conclusion.

Hope this article helps you to know more about “General Settings” in our eCommerce module.