JSON code for Facebook Ads

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Promoting your products or services through Facebook Ads can be linked to the Chatbot using JSON Code.

The JSON Code can be used with a ‘Click-to-Messenger’ & a Traffic Ad. So, when a user clicks on the ‘Send Message’ button it will be routed to the JSON Flow and the chatbot will take care of the rest.

To enable this feature, follow the steps below

  • Step 1: Select Flows on the left sidebar of the platform.
  • Step 2: Open the flow you want to generate a JSON code from.
  • Step 3: Click on the three-dot button in the upper right corner of the flow builder.
  • Step 4: Click Get JSON for Messenger Ads and let the bot handle the rest (if you had created a flow to handle the sales)

Note: Please be aware that you can’t put a Custom Field on the Opt-in block.