Using the Preinstalled Template

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After connecting your page to Elegant Bots, you will see a Preinstalled Template contained inside the “Template Files” folder as shown in the image below. The template is very helpful to get you started intuitively even without you having to read much the documentation. and to fast track your bot development. 

The template consist of 7 flows which includes the “Welcome Message” named as “Welcome-Custom”, “Default Reply” named as “DefaultReply-Custom, and 5 others. See the flows as shown in the image below. 

If you go to Settings>General, you will see that the Welcome Message and Default Reply has been preconfigured for you. You may change it anytime at your discretion. See image below..

If you go to Settings>Channels>Facebook Messenger, you can see the Persistent Menu has been preconfigured as well. 

So everything works already on your page even without you doing anything yet. Cool, right? You can go to your page like the image below and click the “Send Message” and the ‘Get Started” buttons and see the bot in action already. 

The image below shows the “Welcome Message” and the “Peristent Menu”.

If you’re building Restaurant Bots ( or an eCommerce bot ), you will see that sample products are already in your eCommerce section as well. Go to “Ecommerce’ to see the sample products. 

They’re meant for testing purposes, you can edit and add more products as you please. Play around and learn how everything works. 

You might wonder if this products are “in action’ already. Yes, absolutely! If you go back to your page just like the image below, you may click the “Ecommerce” Quick Reply button and see the magic. 

Voila! You will see a full featured Restaurant ordering bot already in action. 

So, all you have to do it upload products and you’re all set. If you want to do some customization on the flow that holds these products, go back to the flows and look for “Browse food-Persistent Menu” flow and see how it was simply set up. See the image below. 

Unbelievable, right? Well, It’s mind blowing how our developers coded our platform. Super easy to set up. You can do a restaurant bot with 100 products in just 1 day. 

In any case, we will not delve more on how everything works in our eCommerce module here so as not to overload you with information. 

You may check the eCommerce category in our Knowledge base should you need more information later on. 

That’s it..enjoy.